Friday, July 10, 2009

Eye Screening

I saw a sign in the window of Specsavers, an eye glasses place in my shopping town.  It said "Free eye screening for all children 12 and under."  I went in to speak to them an we made arrangements for them to come to Aletuke and screen our kids and others in the village.  We ended up screening 87 children that day.  We will be taking 6 or 8 children to town for a full examination and if they need glasses they will be free too.  We caught a few eye problems that will need surgery at the hospital and many children with eye infections that will be treated at the clinic with drops.  It was a hugely successful day and another connection was made that will continue to help Aletuke provide better care for the children in the future.  Below are some pictures from that day and outside the children were playing on the playground while waiting to be tested.  I couldn't resist some of the cute faces.

These children are waiting in line to be screened.

Pauline is a volunteer at Aletuke that helped out with the eye screening.

Rose is another volunteer who helped out.

Who's the geek with the dorky glasses?

I love watching the kids be kids at Aletuke.

Simply precious...

This is Mma Mahowa with 5 or her 8 children.  These little ones all got screened on this day.  Mma Mahowa is becoming quite famous on my blog for she is the one holding  "slide condom off penis" in the condom demonstration and she was one of the recipients of the food parcels.  She is a dedicated volunteer who is at Aletuke every day.


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