You start packing.
This is Darcy's friend Ali G. .. I had the distinct pleasure of "reigning in" Darcy's packing efforts into a few short hours this morning. Keeping Darcy on task, is, shall we say, an adventure that can only be summed up into a short phrase... Darcy, Sit! Focus! Over Here! Sit! We had a good time - an adventurous time, trying to translate the Peace Corps vague, yet helpful hints on what to pack when traveling to who knows where. Just know there needs to be 3 distinct piles - "four days", "essentials", and "two month storage".
We did it.
And we have pictures to prove it.

Maybe not such a bad number to have if you consider Darcy's habit of, well, laughing too hard. We got her down to 25 and they are all going to Africa!
Safe travels, Darcy! We're going to miss you but we know you're just a blog post away!
P.S. Darcy won't always have access to this blog to post her adventures - so please, if you hear from her before she gets a chance to tell her story, feel free to post where she is and what she's doing!